

Wakeman specialises in the following services:

Grass stripping (removal and disposal)
Rock (removal and disposal)
Soil/Clay (removal and disposal)
Concrete (removal and disposal)
Site cleans (New building, existing buildings and vacant block)


Driveway preparation and completion (concrete, crushed rock or toppings)
House slab preparation
Site cuts & Excavations (extensions of existing cuts, new house cuts, factory cuts)
Footings/Trenches (for foundations or services)
Auger holes to 4m deep. (350mm, 450mm & 600mm)
Horse arenas (extensions or new
Small demolition and disposal works


Crush rock delivery
Topsoil delivery


3.5t Bobcat hire
1.8t, 3.5t, 5.5t and 13t Excavator Hire
Single axle and tandem tipper hire

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Wakeman Earthmoving and Excavation